Digital transformation overview

Digital transformation is the essential change of businesses implementing digital technologies to rebuild or recreate internal and external processes, develop products, improve client engagement, empower employee productivity, improve operations, and build business value.

With the growth of digital in the world using laptops/desktops, mobile devices, cloud operations, data analytics and more technological advancements such as artificial intelligence (AI) it has become optimal for all businesses to change their approach to sustain and grow their businesses. As people become more tech-savvy the need for transformation continues to grow and become more meaningful in a digital sense. Businesses that prioritize transformation especially in the digital space are likely to remain prepared for unexpected changes such as the challenges businesses faced during covid-19 and those we continue to battle such as load-shedding.

“It is important to know the challenges we face as businesses and even more important to take note of the opportunities these challenges provide. The idea in this approach is to realize the need to know how we can strategically transform our business, brand, products, operations, and processes in the ever-changing digital environment.”

Klaas Molapisi | Strategy and Development Leader

Business challenges

Without transformation it can be challenging to retain value, competitiveness, and relevance. As a result, a business can lose out on opportunities to grow and become sustainable. Without digital transformation a business may face the following challenges:

Two people discussing work at the bakery
  • Lack of market growth.

  • A reduction in customer quality.

  • A reduction in product innovation and development.

  • Visible reduction in company competitiveness and unique view.

  • A reduction in business value.

  • Employee performance and retention may reduce.

Valuable outcomes

The solution in digital transformation is to ensure a business prepares for the future whilst resolving the problems of today. If properly applied, the solutions accomplish the following:

  • Align digital applications with business values.

  • Connect internal processes with digital solutions for efficiency and improved productivity.

  • Create collaboration with third party digital solutions or tools for external engagements and market growth opportunities.

  • Optimize innovative products to create unique products that address every customers’ needs.

Woman having the perfect day

Our solutions

A woman taking a business call by her office
Digital development solutions
Woman going through analytics
Digital analysis & process management
Man working in a server room
Tech solutions & management

Associated solution

Cloud transformation

Get in touch

Klaas Ramo Strategy and Development Leader
Klaas Ramo Molapisi

Strategy and Development Leader

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